Below I just want to share the "manifesto soul collage" that I showed at the event based on my own prior research, which recent news made timely and appropriate. Enjoy!
In Memories
a manifesto soul collage by Carl J. Schroeder for the Mystical Art and Talent Show, Swedenborg Chapel, Cambridge, MA, October 8, 2011
"Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything — all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure — these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart." - Steve Jobs, Stanford commencement speech, June 2005
"Another age must be the judge." - Charles Babbage, 1837

Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011)
Charles Babbage (December 26, 1791 – October 18, 1871)
Facial comparison from groundbreaking reincarnation research “Return of the Revolutionaries” by Dr. Walter Semkiw, aka John Adams, 2nd president of the United States. All cases therein are verified by Kevin Ryerson, the world famous channeller who helped Shirley McClaine get her start.
A very famous man passed into spirit this week. Many people knew Steve Jobs as the founder of Apple, visionary secretive inventor, and passionate evangelizer for the creative empowerment of humanity by the computer.
Few know that Steve Jobs was a spiritual seeker as a young man, and traveled to India in search of what to do with his life. Even fewer know, though it is well documented by many psychics, that a past life of Steve Jobs was the English visionary Charles Babbage, the pre-electronics age inventor of the computer itself. In the 1820’s, Babbage designed an astonishing gear-driven device called the Difference Engine, to fulfill his dream of turning over the labor of repetitive computations to machines in order to free human beings for more creative endeavors. Like many of Steve Jobs own designs, Babbage’s computer was too expensive and complex to realize fully. But with characteristic one-man-showmanship bordering on arrogance, Babbage persevered to invent the world's first computer printer and the Analytic Engine, a version of the Difference Engine that would be fully programmable by punch cards. Babbage was so far ahead of his time that his Difference Engine was not constructed until 1991, when it was found to have worked perfectly, and the Analytic Engine has never been built.
To design programs for the Analytic Engine, Babbage hired Ada Byron Lovelace, the genius daughter of the famous poet Lord Byron. Ada envisioned software to not only solve math problems, but to assist artists and musicians in creating images and music. Ada’s brilliant and brooding personality, so like her father’s, alienated Babbage however, so that while Babbage received limited recognition and government support for his work, Ada was generally considered mad and died young in despair. Ada’s work was rediscovered over a century later by the US Department of Defense, which recognized a woman as the first software engineer by naming the computer language Ada after her in 1979.
Steve has fulfilled his soul’s mission to bring the power of the computer to full fruition more than a century later, hence the incredible vision of Apple which has always particularly appealed to artists and musicians. Ada's spirit lives on in the work of Lynn Hershman-Leeson, a pioneering computer artist who has explored the postmodern challenges of female identity and empowerment in film and multimedia, and who further champions the rights of social activist artists everywhere.
It is not yet widely recognized that Lynn is Ada's reincarnation, but the case is convincing with synchronicities of appearance, talents, and interests. Lynn was herself so obsessed with the history that she used her sense of Ada’s inner states to make an alternative biopic in 1997 called Conceiving Ada in which a woman at the MIT media lab (played by Tilda Swinton) makes a mediumistic connection through her computer with the help of her mentor (played by Timothy Leary just before his death) that enables Ada to re-enter her womb and be reborn in the computer age for which she had so longed and dreamed. Bizarre and hallucinatory, the film was the first feature length to make extensive use of virtual environments for realistic set design (Ada's mansion). And yes, Lynn loves to work with Apple computers and has had projects funded by them - the apple does not fall far from the tree as they say!
So now you know a little more of the divine plan that is behind this incredible new information age which is overturning the old! The NeXT time you use your computer to make your art, or to look up esoteric ideas and plan your activism, or just to communicate your heart to a community of friends some of whom you’ve never physically met, remember the god and goddess energies that live on in the soul missions that continue to remake the world, and be further inspired. Have no doubt that this is a sacred place, for seeds have been planted and forgotten that are even now still coming to light! Think different, dream big, shed your tears and move forward now, for you are living on the edge of the very tomorrow for which so many have waited countless lifetimes!
![]() Ada Byron Lovelace (December 10, 1815 – November 27, 1852) | ![]() Lynn Hershman-Leeson (1941 - ) |
3 days after the art show I had an appointment with Kevin Ryerson, whose channeling confirmed my insight that Lynn is indeed Ada reincarnated.
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